Our analysis shows evidence of a correlation between out-of-school children and Learning Losses, which is determined by socioeconomic subgroups. Household Economy and gender are major factors where being out-of-school and Learning Losses are identified. The same was observed by Carwfurd et al., (2021). The children who are learning from home utilise different learning resources. That being the case, school resources play an important role in this case, although these reached very few school going children.
- The children left behind are characterised by vulnerable conditions due to COVID. There is the need to focus more on vulnerable subgroups, especially the poorest households with female children of school-going age.
- School authorities need to provide more learning support to children during COVID restrictions. In this regard, different and appropriate teaching strategies with respect to education levels would help children left behind to meet learning targets.
- A large-scale, nationwide study focusing on the drivers of Learning Losses due to COVID would help identify areas of intervention to meet access and learning targets.
It was first published by PAL Network under the 2021 Conference series. You can access it also at: https://palnetwork.org/impact-of-covid-on-access-and-learning/
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